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Healing Torture, Childhood Betrayal and Pollution
RC Meditation
(Winter, 2002: 03/25/02)

by the Reluctant Channel and Pati Beaudoin
Copyright 2002, all rights reserved

Close your eyes and move your attention to your body, really concentrating inside. We will focus on the physical, the mental, and the emotional. Let us start with the physical. Feel the pressure of your body against the surface you are sitting on. Does the surface feel good? Is it too hard or too soft? Would you prefer a different surface? If the surface feels good to you, focus on the good feeling. If you would prefer a different surface, imagine this surface now and focus on the good feeling you would have if you were sitting on that surface. Do this now. There are parts of your body that are not in contact with any surface. Try to feel one, some or all of those parts of your body now. If you cannot, that is okay; it is enough to know that there are parts of your body that are not in contact with any surface. Do this now.

Let us get in touch with the sensations of our eyes being closed. Perhaps you feel the eyelids being shut, perhaps you are aware of darkness. You may not be aware of anything, except for the fact that you know that your eyes are closed. Do this now. Let us get in touch with our sense of hearing. Listen carefully, what do you hear? Do you like the sounds? Do you find some or all pleasant or unpleasant? Listen now. What about the sense of smell? Take a deep breath in through your nostrils and as you do, be aware of any smells that come your way. Do you like the smells, do you dislike them? Perhaps you do not smell anything. That is fine too. What about the sense of taste? Move your tongue around your teeth. Move your tongue around your lips. Swallow your saliva. What do you taste? Do you like it? Perhaps you do not taste anything. That is okay.

Finally, let us focus on breathing. Breathe in and out very deeply. As you breathe in, feel the coolness of the air. As you breathe out, hear the sound of your deep exhalation. Let us do this again, breathe in and out very deeply. One more time, breathe in and out very deeply.

Let us turn to our mental selves. Put your attention on your thoughts. Do you have any thoughts that may interfere with meditating? Do you have any htoughts that may help meditating? Focus on them. If you don't have any thoughts that is fine. You only need to know that we often have thoughts that intrude into meditation, distract from meditation, or enhance our meditations.

And now turn your attention to your emotional self. Focus on what you are feeling at this moment. Are you feeling any strong emotions? Are you feeling neutral? Focus on these feelings and know that it is okay to have them. We have just spent time focusing on all that makes us thriving beings. We have our physical, mental and emotional selves that we bring to the meditation. These different aspects of ourselves help with the meditation. All the discomforts, intrusions, thoughts, they all help us heal the world. We all use the same meditation, but it is our own unique histories, experiences, thoughts, and emotions that help carry the healing in specialized ways to specific individuals. Celebrate your uniqueness and know that the planet is grateful to you for your special role in the world's healing.

We are now ready to begin our healing journey. We will start by imagining a trampoline the size of a football field. If you do not know how large a football field is that is okay. All that matters is that your trampoline is a very large one. Imagine your trampoline now. As you focus on the trampoline, you find yourself standing in the center of it. Soon you will jump on your trampoline. It won't matter how high you will jump -- it is up to you. The trampoline is so big that you don't have to worry about falling. You will jump in a way that you find comfortable. You don't have to worry about getting nauseous, or about any other physical discomfort. In fact the jumping will feel relaxing and good. By jumping you will be able to release any negativity, anxiety, and discomfort that you encounter on your journey. In a moment, I will ask you to jump 3 times. Remember, you should jump as high or as low as you want. You will not fall, nor will you get nauseous. It will feel good to jump. We are now ready. Jump once. Jump again. Jump a third time. Now stand still and look around you.

You realize that the trampoline has disappeared and you see that you have landed in a field. The field is full of tall grass and wildflowers. You walk through the field and feel the grass and wildflowers rubbing against you. You smell the fragrance of the flowers around you and hear the birds chirping above you. It feels like a very tranquil day. The sun is shining and there is a cool light breeze. You notice the column of light above you protecting you and shielding you from evil. Notice the light now and feel how it bathes you in wisdom, compassion, and justice. Realize that in a moment you are going to experience a distressing scene. Know that from this experience you will be able to create a web of light for the planet.

You keep walking until you reach a forest where a group of people is gathered together. As you get closer you hear screaming and the sounds of whips. You go to the center of the crowd and find an old man, a young woman, and a dog being whipped. Hear their screams for mercy, see the blood streaming from their skin. Do this now. Look up at your column of light and immediately shine it upon the old man, young woman, and the dog. Bathe them with the light. Now, look at the individuals who are whipping the man, woman and dog. Look at the column of light and shine it upon them. Do this now. Next, look up at your column of light, look at the crowd, and bathe the crowd with the light. Do this now. Notice how you have created a web of light between you, the old man, the young woman, the dog, the individuals who are doing the whipping, and the crowd. Notice how the web glows and shines and notice that the whipping has stopped. Hold this web together by focusing on your column of light. Know that everyone else who is meditating with you has also created a web of light.

Take your web of light and connect it to the other webs of light that have been created. The webs are intertwined and have created such a glow that they reach around the world. This glow reaches all areas of the world where torture and abuse are currently taking place. Realize that at this very moment, many are being tortured and abused. Now realize that the web of light has stopped the torture and abuse. Imagine the peoples of the world united through this web of light. Feel the glow as it shines through and around all the people, animals and plants. Let us take a moment to feel the glow. As you are feeling the glow, you notice your trampoline. You tie your end of the web to a tree and as you stand in the middle of your trampoline, you notice that the web of light is still shining and glowing. Take a deep breath in and out. Do it again. In a moment, I will ask you to jump 3 times. Remember, you should jump as high or as low as you want. You will not fall, nor will you get nauseous or any other discomfort. It will feel good to jump. We are now ready. Jump once. Jump again. Jump a third time.

Now stand still and look around you. You realize that the trampoline has disappeared and you see that you have landed somewhere related to your childhood. Someone in your childhood has betrayed you. It may be a relative, a friend, a teacher, a pet. Each one of us has our own unique experiences that can benefit from some healing. It is okay to get in touch with this betrayal. It is okay to get in touch with deep emotion. It is also okay to only think about it and not feel it. It does not matter. What matters is that we are aware of some of our own senses of betrayal as children. We can do this now because we are safe and protected by our column of light. Take a moment to think of a betrayal that occurred to you as a child. You may think of one or more than one. If you cannot think of any, that is also fine. All you need to do is realize that as a child, at some point you felt betrayed. To the best of your ability, imagine the setting, see the individuals involved. Perhaps there are some tastes, smells, colors, voices associated with the memory. Experience these now. Try to get in touch with the feelings you experienced as a child. Was it surprise, shock, terror, panic, fear, disappointment? You may let these feelings come to you now, or you may not want to feel them now. It is okay to feel them or to realize that you felt them without having to feel them at this moment. Take a deep breath in and a deep breath out.

As we are breathing, let us experience this memory as deeply or as lightly as we feel comfortable doing. Let us do this now. Now look above you at your column of light. Look at how it surrounds you and bathes you with compassion, wisdom, and justice. As your adult self, feel this bath of warm light now. Take this good comforting feeling and give it to yourself as a child. You may want to do this by breathing in and out. Or you may want to extend your hands towards yourself as a child and give the light that way. Or you may want to transmit the light through a hug. It does not matter how you share the light. Share the light now. Try to feel yourself both as you were as a child and as an adult. Feel the light bathing both of you -- the adult that you are now, and the child that you were then.

Now look at the column of light again, and look at the source of your betrayal. Realize that all of you are now being bathed with compassion, wisdom, and justice. See how the light encircles all of you and realize that you have created a web of light. Everyone else who is meditating has also created a web of light and you can take your web of light and connect it with the other webs of light. The webs are intertwined and have created such a glow that they reach around the world. This glow reaches all areas of the world where children are being betrayed. Realize that at this very moment, many children are being betrayed. Now realize that the web of light has stopped the betrayal. Imagine the peoples of the world united through this web of light. Feel the glow as it shines through and around all the people, animals and plants. Let us take a moment to feel the glow. As you are feeling the glow, you notice your trampoline. You look up at the column of light and by doing so, your end of the web becomes connected to the column and you are free to go to your trampoline. Go to your trampoline now. As you stand in the middle of your trampoline, you notice that the web of light is still shining and glowing. Take a deep breath in and out. Do it again. In a moment, I will ask you to jump 3 times. Remember, you should jump as high or as low as you want. You will not fall, nor will you get nauseous or experience any other discomfort. It will feel good to jump. We are now ready. Jump once. Jump again. Jump a third time.

Now stand still and look around you. You realize that the trampoline has disappeared and you see that you have landed near an ocean. You walk on the sandy shore and the sun shines above you. You hear the roar of the ocean as the waves hit the shoreline. You walk into the water and the water feels good and refreshing. Feel this now. Walk back to the sand and once you are on dry land you turn around to face the ocean. You hear the ocean animals crying out to you. The starfish, the snails, the whales, the sharks, the dolphins. They are all crying about the polluted waters. Hear their cries now. Look at the shore and notice the tattered nets, the soda cans, the glass bottles, the plastic bags, the oil. Notice all of this now. Take a deep breath and look at your column of light. Notice it now. Look at the litter and shine the light upon the shore. Do this now. Now look at the column of light and shine it upon the water. Do this now. Know that by shining your light upon the waters, the dolphins, sharks, and whales will carry the light to the other oceans. The snails and starfish will carry the light to the other shores. It will take awhile for all the oceans and shores to be covered with light, but this the beginning. Stare at your column of light and then move your eyes to the ocean and the shore. Realize that all of your meditation partners are doing the exact same thing, so that many dolphins, sharks, whales, starfish, and snails are being bathed with light. Take a deep breath in and out. Do it again -- deep breath in and out.

We are now ready to leave the ocean and shore. Know that the column of light will continuously shine upon the ocean and shore. Turn away from the ocean and start walking. You realize that you are on an island and as you walk, you come across a dirt path. Follow this dirt path to the other side of the island. On this side, you find a pond. This pond is a healing pond. This pond is created especially for you. It will feel just the way you want it to feel. It knows about any specific physical discomforts, emotional distresses, energetic exhaustion you may be feeling. By going into the pond you will begin the process of your own healing. Enter this pond now. You may be dressed or not, you may go in all the way or only part of the way. Do this now. Feel the healing powers of the pool. Get in touch with all of your vulnerabilities, whether they are physical, emotional or spiritual. Feel the water gently massaging your weaknesses. Let us stay in the pond for a few moments. Allow the healing water of the pond to go deep, and deeper, gently soothing and healing and strengthening every part of you that needs soothing or healing or strengthening. Give yourself a few more moments now, simply to enjoy the pleasant feeling of this pond, the perfect temperature, the pleasant movement of the water against your skin. Take as much time as you need in this pond. As you slowly leave the pond, look up and see your column of light. Realize how it is drying you as you are leaving the pond.

When you have left the pond, imagine that someone is there to greet you. It may be your favorite person, your favorite pet, a favorite object. It does not matter who or what greets you, what matters is that you find it comforting and pleasing. Imagine this greeting now. Hear the birds above you, see the leaves blowing around you, and smell the blossoming flowers. Realize that this is nature's way of thanking you for all of your hard work. Finally, see the woman, man and dog that were being whipped. See yourself as a child being betrayed, and see the dolphins, sharks, whales, starfish, and snails who live in polluted waters. Notice how grateful they are to you. Let the warmth of their gratitude stream into your heart. Take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. When you are ready, you can open your eyes.

(c) Copyright 2002, all rights reserved. Permission is granted to share this information with others as long as it is shared in its entirety and the copyright information is included.

This healing meditation can be found on Philip Friedman, Ph.D's website on "Integrative Healing" at
http://www.integrativehelp.com or directly at:




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